Entries by Gerard Braud

ChemEdge 2023 and NACD Responsible Distribution Code VII

Responsible Distribution Code VII is a hallmark standard of the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD). Code VII requires a chemical distributor to be ready to talk to the media and other key stakeholders as a crisis situation unfolds.   At the 2023 ChemEdge Conference Responsible Distribution Workshop in The Woodlands, TX, I’ll do a […]

Safety is Our Top Priority

“Safety is our top priority” is the most overused cliché in crisis communications and public relations. What concerns me is that many corporate leaders believe their past safety record makes them immune to a crisis. Hence, they fail to invest time and money in the crisis communications plans and tools they need. Just because it […]

Crisis Communications Podcast: Be Prepared to Protect Your Revenue, Reputation, and Brand

In this crisis communications podcast, CEO of the Independent Lubricant Manufacturers Association Holly Alfano interviews me about the often overlooked piece of running a business: crisis communications and preparation. How is a crisis defined? Ask, “Will this event affect our company’s revenue, reputation, and brand?” Stop thinking of only situations such as a fire, a pandemic, or […]